Indoor tabletop sale


24th February 2pm-4pm 

Sell your pre-loved items or unwanted gifts.

£7 per table, to book a table contact  samwaieshall.chair@gmail.com 



nEXT mEETING Monday 29th january 2024

Come and join Chatty Crafts you don’t need to be an expert just bring a project you have been working on and make some progress whilst enjoying good company and a hot drink. Knitting, upholstery, sewing, crochet, macramé, felting or whatever your craft you will get help and encouragement from the group. £3 per session.

Contact Janet 07715 766 608

DRU Yoga


Yoga classes for all ages and abilities held every Tuesday evening at 7:30pm and Friday morning at 7am, each class is 90 minutes. For more information and to book a place contact Carole 07737 037 248.  www.carolehiltonstone.co.uk

Wath on Wednesdays                           

every 1st, 3rd & 5th Wednesday of the Month 10am-12pm

Alternating with Melmerby Village Hall Pop up Café

Second and Fourth Wednesdays at Melmerby Village Hall

Coffee, cake, chat, and various fun activities. All welcome!


Samwaies hall ‘library’ 

We have a library of books to borrow, exchange or donate. Help yourself to a good read.